Top 5 Tech Inventions of All Time

1 - Electricity, which was studied for hundreds of years before being put to good use. Powers our houses and devices since the 19th century.

2 - Personal Computers. They're about 70 years old now, and their CPU power and user friendliness have increased dramatically.

3 - GPS, which was launched by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973. It was used for military purposes in the beginning, but then a lower precision version of the system has been made available for civilians as well.

4 - The Internet as we know it took off in the 90s. Yes, it's that young!

5 - Cellular phones. The first commercially available cell phone was the DynaTAC 8000x. Sold in 1983, it had enough battery juice to last for 30 minutes of talk time, and its price was $3,995 (the equivalent of $10,000 in today's money).
Here's a list of highly recommended tech resources.

Ars Technica - One of the oldest tech sites of there, and one that's constantly ranking in our top 10. Discusses Biz & IT, Tech, Science, Cars, Gaming & Culture, and more.

Engadget - Gear, gaming, entertainment, technologies for tomorrow, reviews and more.

Gizmodo - A tech website that focuses on video reviews. Perfect for people who can't find the energy to read a 1,000 words article...

Killer Startups - Startup reviews and featured founders. Includes a dedicated "Startup Tools and Guides" section, which helps people become better entrepreneurs.

Mashable - A huge site that focuses on video, entertainment, culture, tech, science, business, social good and apps. Includes a job board which can help techies find great employment opportunities.

Techmeme - Yeah, the tech world needed its own meme site, and somebody has built it! Techmeme was founded in 2005; it presents a summary of the best tech news on a daily basis.

Webtorials - The best place to learn about security, infrastructure, wireless and mobility technologies. You will find a great variety of white papers, research materials, podcasts and their transcripts.

ZDNet - A comprehensive source of tech resources. Topics include big data analytics, enterprise software, Windows, security, cloud, Internet of Things, and more.